This recipe makes 4 servings, adjust for more or less apples. Preheat oven to 375°F. Wash apples. Remove cores to 1/2 inch of the bottom of the apples. An apple corer helps but you can use a paring knife to cut out the stem area and then the core. Use a small spoon to dig out the seeds. The hole should be 3/4-inch to an inch wide across the apple. The use of large apples is important so the holes can be large enough for the filling.In a small bowl, combine the sugar, cinnamon, raisins, and pecans. Place apples in a 8-inch-by-8-inch square baking pan. Stuff each apple with this mixture. Quarter the tablespoon slice of butter and top each with a dot of butter Add the boiling water to the baking pan with apples in it. Bake 30-40 minutes ort until apples are tender but not mushy. Remove from the oven and baste the apples several times with the pan juices.Serve warm with vanilla ice cream on the side.
Best Apples For Baking Whole:
Jonathan, Winesap, Criterion, Gala,
Newtown Pip, Golden Delicious,
Jonagold, Rome Beauty
Labels: New Recipe for May 2009
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